Sunday, November 9, 2008


The Psalmist said in Psalms 50:23:

"He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God."

Now just stop for a minute and think about that.  The Psalmist is claiming that the act of giving God what is due him for what he's done actually prepares the way for God to unveil more and more of his work in our lives.  That "thanks-giving" helps us see better what God is up to and how he's working to bring his saving help into our lives.


In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, we thought it would be cool to engender an atmosphere of celebration in our community for the good that God is for the good that he's done by creating a space where as a tribe could "publish" our thanks-giving.  

So tell us what you're thankful for.  You could make it a prayer that all of us can read and give thanks for on your behalf.  Or you could publish a story of how God came through for you here.  
It's up to you.

Father we honor you and give you thanks for all your goodness to us.  Fill our hearts with deep appreciation for the many ways in which we have found ourselves mysteriously supported by your kindness, and let our lips make record of your mighty works.  And let these acts of thanks-giving prepare the way for you to show us still more of your goodness.



Ed Gungor said...

I'm thankful for a connection I had this morning with an old friend who I thought was no longer open to me...I was wrong...It was so sweet to chat and hug this morning at the service!!

Erin said...

I am so thankful that my 2 oldest sons have just moved back home from Florida. I have missed them and ached to be with them again! God is faithful!

orneryswife said...

I am thankful that we have been allowed to share our home with an amazing young lady who has taught us much about living Christ-like. I am thankful that our son, currently deployed to Qatar, is safe and will be coming home in 70 (ish) days. I am thankful that my family, and my husbands family are all following Christ.

brooke said...

I am thankful that I am surrounded by friends in faith. That when I am convinced God is not working in my life I see him working in the lives around me showing me He is indeed working in mine.

Andrew said...

I am thankful for the overwhelming response this past Sunday to the Thanksgiving outreach and SO eager to see the good that God does through it.

Thanks for letting us help you help people God...

BB said...

I'm thankful that the Lord is using my husband's cancer to grow us. We're learning to trust with a deeper faith. And to never take any of His blessings for granted.

Rabbi said...

Ever get a glint of thankfulness? Every once in a while I get a chance to peer through eyes that aren't my everyday 24/7 eyes. Its not often... maybe a few times per year. And they work better. They create kind of a 3D image... and you get to actually be captured by gratitude for the tiniest things... laughter, water faucets, eggs, a yard and children... its great when ever day stuff captures the widget inside of us that creates gratitude.

All in the Family said...

I am so thankful for God's greatness...He continues to re-order life in ways that exceed my dreams. Knowing this makes me feel safe, happy and eager to unwrap the future.

Meg said...

My husband and I divorced about 8 years ago. God had showed me His plan was restoration. This promise God made took about 7 years to come to pass but it is here! My husband and I are remarried and loving life together. I also received a promotion in my job this month. God is amazing. His plans are far greater than anything I could have ever imagined. I am thankful for restoration and a God that keeps His promises!

Rabbi said...

It was good to sit in on the Family meeting. Hearing a bigger story was good for me. Fellowship with comrades was super.

I'm thankful for this place. There's a good buzz going on. And it seems to be getting stronger. I'm thankful.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful that God so graciously, so faithfully continues to teach me. He can take the stuff that looks like hardships and open my eyes to something I need to learn.
Really loving people is messy. It hurts. And I'm so thankful that when we really love others, love until it hurts, we can catch tiny, minute glimpses into how much He loves us.

Heidi said...

I'm so thankful for my hero, my husband, Rudy. We will be married 20 years in August. He has proven to be the most faithful, loyal, and honest friend I have. He is courageous, humble, and trustworthy. He never complains, always sacrifices, and loves his family deeply from the heart. He is very wise, but doesn't know it, loves the Word of God, but doesn't flaunt his knowledge, and is always encouraging those around him. I could ask for no better partner for life. God has truly been GOOD to me!

brooke said...

I am SO thankful today to have participated in a little bit of Heaven here on earth. As we delivered food baskets to the families in need in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow area I Praised God for the generosity of our Sanctuary family and the difference it could make in the lives of those receiving. Amazing day.

"Father we thank You for opportunities to be Your representative. Humbled and blessed are we to be even a small part of the things of Heaven. Bless all who recieved today. Let this offering be an inroad for Your Divine Work to be accomplished. Bless all servants who gave and those who volunteered let Your Peace be with all. In Jesus Name. Amen."

Unknown said...

I'm thankful for Sanctuary and for God bringing my family here. I really appreciate the teaching we hear each week and the fellowship we're experiencing in our small group. Thank you, Father, for your steadfast love that is "new every morning."